LOVE IS . . .

Christmas brought LOVE like this world had never seen before.

On Christmas Day I think it appropriate to dwell for a few minutes on love. Love brought the Master of the universe to this measly planet for me. If that doesn’t scream “love is a CHOICE”, I don’t know what does.

Someone once said, love is “giving someone the ability to hurt you, but trusting them not to.”  Jesus knew that we would hurt Him, not just while He was here but probably every day that we live! He chose to come anyway….and chooses to love us anyway…everyday…

So that says to me that I am called to love those around me – even if I know that sometimes it’s gonna hurt.

Here’s to loving like Jesus,

Karen b.

About AvidReader72

The Avid Reader is a mother of two teenagers who lives in the southeastern corner of Pennsylvania with a very black cat. She graduated from Andrews University with a Bachelor of Arts in French and communication, a few years ago. Recently, she received her Bachelor of Science in nursing and is now working as a registered nurse. She enjoys reading, amateur photography, visits to Longwood Gardens, time with family and friends, puzzles, and Cape Hatteras. The bizarre alarm rumored to be on loan from her son.

Posted on December 25, 2014, in Jesus, Love and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

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