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Gatekeeper of the Mind

Gatekeeper of the Mind

Karen and Scotty b. debated some elements of gatekeeping and the need to carefully monitor what we let into our conscious minds in the “I am the Gatekeeper of My Truth” series which you will find here, here, and here.

Although it was a fun and friendly debate, it mainly focused on the semantics of relative truth such as “My Truth” or “Your Truth” vs. objective truth such as “The Truth.”

The bigger issue, of course, was whether it is really necessary to carefully guard “Things” from entering your mind without you really being conscious of it.

If you are unsure whether wisdom really requires a Gatekeeper of Truth, watch this astounding video. The video is called Apollo Robbins:  The Art of Misdirection by TED Talks, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

Make today a great one,

Does Truth Need a Gatekeeper?

Does Truth Need a Gatekeeper?

Scotty b.