Category Archives: Expectations


Don’t be one of the majority of humans who spends their entire life trying to live up to their parent’s expectations, or what society attempts to mold them into. Don’t become what your boss or job demands of you.   Definitely don’t turn into the person your pastor or religion insists is proper.

None of them are going to die on YOUR deathbed. You are.

None of them are going to intercede for you at the “Final Judgment.”  You must give your own account of how you spent your life. And Why.  And none will live with the innumerable regrets that you failed to become want you always dreamed and what you most wanted.

We will.

That’s not a typo: We, the other 8 billion of us who share this planet with you, We will regret that choice.

Luckily This Man Didn't 'Play It Safe' or He Wouldn't Have Revolutionized The World.

Luckily This Man Didn’t ‘Play It Safe’ or He Wouldn’t Have Revolutionized The World.

We will regret the fact that you were supposed to find the cure for cancer…but you became a lawyer . . .  because your mom insisted you go to law school.

We will regret you didn’t save an innocent person from the death penalty…because all the men in your family became doctors.  So you did, too.   Even though you really don’t care that much for medicine.

We will regret the fact your leadership could have ushered in world peace…but your religion teaches that only bad people seek fame and power. So you didn’t run for president.

We will lament that you did not become who you are.

We are all designed for greatness: whether on the grandest world stage – or ‘merely’ being an excellent mom, awesome co-worker, nurturing wife, and the neighbor where all the kids want to hang out.

Maybe you are a dreamer.   Not the hard worker and meticulous student. DREAM!

Maybe you are not serious and responsible. Like most musicians. PLAY and SING!

Maybe you feel going to church or synagogue each week is a waste of time. THEN HONOR GOD AND GO DO WHAT MAKES YOU COME ALIVE!! Do you really believe God is so small and petty that He wants your forced ‘allegiance.’ He could have compelled that if He is truly God.   Instead, He gave you free will.   Why? Because He wants you to be FREE! He wants you to become…whoever YOU want to be.

And you are not free if you are pursuing your life on the basis of what someone else wants. Quit living your parent’s or pastor’s or boss’ life. It is time to live your life!

Be 'Secure' or Who You Really Are?

Be ‘Secure’ or Who You Really Are?

I know, I know: You have to. You need that “secure, safe career” and that corporate cubicle where you don’t make a difference, but it’s what you should do so you can ‘be secure.”

NEWSFLASH:   There is NO security in this world.   Your job, spouse, kids, home, freedom . . . everything could be gone at any instant. You KNOW this is true. The only security that exists is knowing you showed up. That even when life tried to pummel you, you weathered the storm on Your Terms. Doing exactly what You Wanted To Do.

Remember, the people telling you how to live your life are telling you what they think would bring you happiness.

But only you can decide what makes you happy.

Choose wisely.

From my heart to yours,

Scotty b.

Facebook Jason Scot Blackburn Prefixed Life



This was Part 1 of 2.  Continue by reading Part 2 – BE HAPPY:  BECOME WHOEVER YOU WISH!